Are you working with muticlips in your timeline? If yes, using them increases the number of used clips (and therefore the complexity) quite dramatically. The only thing that (for us) really slows down Undos is heavy use of Mutliclips. Some additional comments: – Undos are really fast on all of our systems, except for extremely complex sequences (over 3 hours with a lot of multiclip editing). This works fine with Media 100 Suite 2.1.1 maybe it fixes some of your problems. If anyone has any solutions to any of these problems I would love to hear it. When this happens the only option is to kill media 100 and restart it again. When media 100 searches for files when opening a project, give me a list of drives I can check/uncheck for searching instead of having to hope the drive name doesn’t change when I click cancel. There is a greyed out apply audio effect to selected tracks item in the tools menu, but it doesn’t seem to work and there is no mention of this in the docs…. I know there are more problems, but I can’t remember them right now.Īutosave after rendering so that when media 100 crashes while exporting (which it does all the time) I don’t have to waste hours re-rendering again.Ībility to adjust the audio on multiple clips without some clunky bus track hack.Ībility to apply audio effects to multiple audio tracks without some clunky bus track hack. This has been a problem for at least 10 years and I’m really surprised it has not been fixed yet.

When I run out of room on a drive while rendering/exporting media 100 will crash instead of giving a disk space warning. Sometimes when I go to move a clip I get a red triangle with a red x under it and the only thing that moves is the CTI. Undos are painfully slow (again, much slower than on the old G5’s) sometimes taking up to 20 seconds or more for a simple undo of moving a single graphic in the timeline. you have to actually go into the file and add or more something to get it to correctly update. when you hit apply, it still shows the black boxes instead of the correct view. Sometimes boris will show a black box as if something is not linking up, but when you edit the file is shows everything is there. I also lose any changes that I have made to the graphic when I reload. When applying the graphic in Boris (would be great if there was a shortcut for this) sometimes I get stuck in media 100 with a window that says “media 100 suite is busy while the clip is being edited” and while I can save the project, I have to End Task on media 100 and restart to do any more editing. The built in color picker gives the wrong colors when you click on anything.
When the windows in boris red are docked the keyboard shortcuts don’t work meaning that you either have to click everything (hello RSI!) or undock them which means that when you do have to click in a different window, you have to click it twice because of the stupid way macs handle windows (click once to select the window, click again to select what you want in the window). Opening Boris in media 100 takes much, much longer than it did on the old dual cpu G5 computers.

This is on multiple new mac pro computers that we bought after our old G5’s were stolen in a break in.

These are the problems we have been having. We are currently using osx 10.7.2 which is the latest supported version according to the media 100 web site. Not sure if all the problems are with media 100 or lion or both (they both have their share of problems on their own). We’ve been having tons of problems with media 100 2.1 on OSX lion.